Fallout 3 on Windows 7.

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  1. Posts : 12
    win 7 ultimate

    yep rogbrez

    i didn't update dx, or run as ad, or in compat mode so i personally wouldn't try that, i'd also leave the update till after also, i would just make directory, install game via custom [it will ask for directory that way] and the run from either directory or cd

    if it works ok from there you could then perhaps install 1.7 or also if it aint broke dont fix it

    good luck
    freddy z
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 36
    Windows 7 64 bit

    seems to be working so far..

    unless the bugs come once you get outside the vault lol!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 36
    Windows 7 64 bit

    Hey, by the way, quick FO 3 question...

    Provided the game keeps working, is it recommended that you install all add-ons right after installing the main game, to be able to access those areas at anytime? Or is it like other games, where you finish the main game, then install and play the add-ons?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 389

    You should maybe install or enable broken steel- it ups level cap and turns on free play ending. You can play it or other dlc's anytime- might be best to lev up some first tho..

    Have fun- See ya..
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 36
    Windows 7 64 bit

    I did notice at the end of the leaving the vault sequence that if I kill the overseer and then talk with his daughter at the end that the game crashes..if I don't kill him, and then talk with her and dispatch the 2 guards, and then go back and kill him, the game doesn't lock up...
    Is FO 3 like this throughout the game, crashing at certain points? Game also seemed to freeze in the first town in the lady's house if you kill her and try to steal her stuff, when its highlighted in red..
    Just wondered how often you experience crashes throughout the game..
    I was running on the 1.7 patch, unless there's a more advanced patch than that one...
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    As far as I'm aware, 1.7 is the latest for FO3.

    As for crashes etc - it does tend to crash every now and then for no apparent reason. Quicksaving often helps.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 8,398
    ultimate 64 sp1

    mine crashes like crazy.

    i would uninstall it if i didn't enjoy the actual game so much.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 36
    Windows 7 64 bit

    Just wondered, seems to only crash thus far when you kill good characters!

    Maybe they're just trying to guide your life path!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 36
    Windows 7 64 bit

    By the way, do you guys like playing good or bad karma characters?

    Normal, hard, or really hard difficulty?

    I assume you can switch difficulty inside the game, and switch characters at the end of the vault, so no need to start a totally new game?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 389

    Hmm it would help to better help some folks if they posted full system specs. Yes fo3 is a lil glitchy but some probs tend to happen to certain hardware more than others- like if using intel multi core cpu's etc.

    FO3 is said a lil glitchy but a lot of it is in game settings are more high than the system can handle or heat related- the video card is heating up- Near half of all game probs are sound related.

    It is hard to trouble shoot out probs looking at specs and only seeing a os listed- full specs help in anything computer related- it should be like your screen name or a avy it should be there added as a sig or added to every post something. Some places ask you post all bug reports or dxdiag what ever. or will ask 2 3 4x for added info. Many folks will not bother at all- look and see no system specs they skip it altogether.

    I think if playing retail and do not have dlc's patch 015 is the best- most all probs after that is when the dlc patches came out. You have to patch if playing the dlc's or goty or if you have a steam game it should auto patch- but again if just main game on steam and any patch over 015 can cause more than normal problems.

    FO3 will bug a lil on me here or there- but not like at first- I still think most of my freezes are just moving or looking around or turning to fast or something- But all and all it runs pretty great for me- My original probs back when first started playing and was xp was gfwl junk would not let me log on so I could not use it to order or buy dlc's from say targets- Later I changed to just windows firewall fixed it or that. I use windows firewall in w7 also.

    I have the retail collectors ed and the steam goty- My game was freezing/locking up for no reason when started playing the steam goty- I had to make some tweaks to the game to work with my multi core system- helped a lot- It is still buged beth glitchy typical stuff. It has been no real fixes after 015- all other patches moreless helped the game to take the dlc's- Most all fixes come from the community and are manual fixes- Beth is known- well known for bug junk and poor patches if ever and do not care- it is just the facts.

    The more info folks can provide and about his own system specs- the better folks can help. Windows 7 can be probs in its self- I pretty much enjoy my gaming with it tho- have my fun etc.

      My Computer

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