I would certainly install Fallout to a directory other than Program Files. Like C:/Games or whatever.
After installing all your mods, did you update and run BOSS?
BOSS for FO3 - Better Oblivion Sorting Software for Fallout3 at Fallout 3 Nexus - Fallout 3 mods and community
If not, try that.
I would just delete the ini files, and start the regular Fallout launcher.
Set your settings and Res there, then close it.
Next, open FOMM and install all mods. Run BOSS after you install each Mod.
Then make the merge patch with FO3 Edit and place at end of load order.
It is possible, one of the mods is crashing the game.
If all of the above fails, what I would do is start disabling 1 mod and try again.
Keep disabling 1 mod at a time untill the game starts. Then youll find your culprit.
Time consuming I know .. but it works.
I had a issue a while back where the game would crash upon entering a building. It was driving me nuts trying figure out what was wrong, but since it was a reproducable crash, disabling 1 mod at a time pin-pointed it. It was all because of 1 lantern mod.
**You should also be able to get a version of FO3 edit that does not need to be installed. Just drop it and its content into your Fallout directory.
And BOSS should just be dropped into the DATA directory.
Hope this helps.
Last edited by Wishmaster; 10 Apr 2011 at 00:27.