Looking for Win 7 Laptop for modern gaming

  1. Posts : 53
    windows 7 home premium 64 bit

    Looking for Win 7 Laptop for modern gaming

    My old M1730 Dell has recently died, I am looking for a new machine. To be honest my old laptop was outdating and its passing was not a tragedy. I do not know a lot about Pc laptops, so i was wondering if anybody would have information for me. I have found a Alienware computer called Alienware ALW14-4681sLV.
    I found it at a decent price, but would be able to run modern games like far cry 3, skyrim, and others. Any recommendations and comments would be highly appreciated.
    Many Thanks
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 394
    Windows 7 Home premium

    Hell yes.

    You might not be playing on maxed out settings with extremely GPU intensive games, but you can easily run the most demanding of modern games on medium to high settings with that. It should run Skyrim at or near to Ultra, and FC3 on high settings.

    I've got a $250 Asus with an Intel Pentium 2.3ghz B970 APU, 4gb DDR3, and 320gb HDD and it runs Skyrim, Burnout Paradise, Serious Sam HD, Shadow Warrior, Saint's Row 2, Fallout 3 with lots of mods, and Farcry 3 on low-medium settings depending on the game at around 30-35fps if not more.

    I don't use it for gaming much and mostly use it for browsing the web while I'm using my big PC for other things like games, streaming video, or when I'm watching television because my monitor is also my TV. It's a pretty low end laptop and it will run most modern games even if only at low settings. There are some games I can't run on it, but those are only a few extremely demanding titles.

    Sometimes I game on it if I visit family and I'm away from my PC or end up in a waiting room for a while at a doctor's office or something. It's primarily for browsing and video streaming though. It's very convenient to have and only weighs about 3 lbs.

    That Alienware laptop you're talking about is far, far more powerful than what I've got and should run those games with no difficulty whatsoever at decent if not maxed out settings no problem.

    You're good to go with that laptop. It could run Crysis 3, the newest Call of Duty, Max Payne 3, or Battlefield 4 without issue at decent settings and those are much more demanding games than Skyrim or Far Cry 3.
    Last edited by Contrabardus; 20 Oct 2013 at 22:33.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,724
    Windows 10x64 Build 1709

    I was just looking at the Alienware lineup a couple of days ago. They are still coming with Win7 for the most part (the main reason I was checking them out). I own a gaming laptop (Asus G74Sx) and suggest you check out their gaming lappy lineup. Well made, decent price and POWER for gaming. The newer (than mine) G75VW looks mighty tasty to me but you can find G74Sx's if you look hard enough. The 2 internal drive bays on MOST of Asus' gaming rigs are a real treat. The only thing I had negative to say about them is the customer support, it sux!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 53
    windows 7 home premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the comments guys! Now i have the money to spare, but even thought i was wondering what you would consider to be a long lasting, performance based computer that is easy on the wallet. I would like to have more than one choice considering this computer needs to last as long as my m1730 did.
      My Computer


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