Unable to install game in a new folder
I am trying to install Silent Hunter 3 on my Win 7 OS. Due to a Starforce protection file, I have to do a workaround installation as described on the Subsim website (URL which requires you to install the DVD game into a different folder than the default Programs(x86).
I created a new folder under Computer - Local Disk (C) - Users - called Silent Hunter 3
When I attempt to install the game into this folder I get an error message stating:
The specified folder: Silent Hunter 3 is invalid, incomplete or write protected. Please select a valid install path.
I also notice that the newly created folder Silent Hunter 3 does not have an arrow to the left of it when viewing the folder tree of Users.
When I check the properties of the folder is has a filled in box in the attributes section indicating that the folder is "read only". Checking further in 7 folders cannot be changed from read only, just the files and subfiles.
At this point I don't know how to install the game in a newly created folder...need some help...Thanks
Last edited by Crusader; 08 Jun 2014 at 22:47. Reason: additional information