ISO files of games not working
I have a bunch of old games on CDs, the ones that require the CD to be in to play them. I would like them to be converted to ISO files, so I don't need the loud, big, physical discs to play them, and also probably won't have a disc drive on my next PC build. I have tried with multiple games, both creating and mounting the image through Gizmo Drive and WinCDEmu, and with them I could install the software through them (AutoRun didn't work, but that's probably my fault). Afterwords, however, the games wouldn't launch. I also tried in a virtual machine (Windows XP from in VirtualBox) and virtual CDs did not work consistently there. I was able to install and play one game from an ISO there, while another didn't run with even a REAL disc, which did run it in my host PC. (I know they work in XP, that's where I always played them) The physical discs do work in my main machine, so they aren't the problem. Also, in WinCDEmu, I tried mounting as "Data Disc" (default), CD-R, and CR-ROM, and they all looked the same in my computer: "CD Drive". I think on my old XP I had to insert discs into the bottom "CD-ROM" drive for most games. Help?
EDIT: Tried "Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel" from Microsoft's website, couldn't get driver to work
EDIT2: Virtual CloneDrive worked slightly better, it gave AutoPlay as the default action for the drive (although it had default icon/name still) but alas didn't work
EDIT3: Ditto for MagicISO
EDIT4: I just had 5 or so error messages pop up, hours after attempting any programs
EDIT5: Just found the game installer running in task manager, must have been going for like 12 huors, and it was eating up 25% of my processor, or one whole core. Suspicious...
Last edited by quadrplax; 24 Jun 2014 at 23:28.