Can my PC game decently at 4K resolution?

  1. Posts : 422
    Windows 7 Pro

    Can my PC game decently at 4K resolution?

    Hello all,

    Currently I have a PC that I am going to upgrade soon and I wanted to know if it can game at a 4K resolution.

    CPU: Intel Core i5 650 3.20ghz
    Psu: corsair 600 watt
    4gb ram
    Windows 7 home premium
    Nvidia gtx 460 gpu

    My gtx 650ti boost unfortunately broke.

    My upgrade plans are:

    Upgrade core i5 650 to core i7 870
    Upgrade ram to 8gb which it should be here any day now.
    Get an nvidia gtx 660 gpu because any higher will bottleneck I believe and they sell those for a good price on eBay, as well as it can do 4K according to nvidia.

    I'm mainly concerned though about the CPU. I'm not expecting 60 fps on high settings, I'd at least like a 4K resolution, all low textures, at a playable frame rate. Can such a thing be achieved, or is it hard to tell?

    I'd be willing to take the risk but I just want to know what you all think

    Thanks in advance
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    I don't believe so not on a gtx660
    I believe a gtx 980ti is about the minimum for 4k seeing it has 6gb's of ram
    I mostly read a titan series is really needed with it having 8gb's
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,962
    Windows 7 x64 (Ultimate)

    I would say it will depend more on to whether the game is capable of 4K resolution as well as your Monitor but trashzone is right, I highly doubt the GTX660 will get you there, let alone at high or maxed out res.

    More so if you are wanting to play shooter or ported from console games on your PC... I have not seen one yet that was done on a pc and then ported to a console and I don't know if I believe the XB1 is all the next gen that has been cracked up to be.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 422
    Windows 7 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Thanks all, I think I'll stick to 1080p for now.

    I also have come to the conclusion that instead of upgrading the computer I've posted about and putting money into it, I rather do so with something not custom built and that has plenty of info on the web, as well as experience I have with it. I have a dell optiplex 755 sff and I know I'll look crazy for upgrading it, but it's in the most conveinence for me.

    Specs I'll have it be:

    core 2 quad q9650
    8gb ram
    low profile gtx 750ti

    and I just put my ssd in it

    Don't worry I'm not expecting to play at max settings 1080p

    I've seen vids on youtube of people getting what I am and it should work. Wish me luck!

    Thanks again all and hope everyone is having a good summer


      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,962
    Windows 7 x64 (Ultimate)

    Well, I wish all the well in the world but I gotta say, you are not even making a lateral movement here... you are going backwards.

    My true suggestion? (meaning no disrespect at all)... save your money if that is the pc you want to get. Unless of course the games you like to play are Online Free games.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 422
    Windows 7 Pro
    Thread Starter

    No offense taken. I understand what you mean completely but I honestly don't trust myself to build a PC yet, I want to be certified first before I get into such things. I have done all of that before and it has lead to me messing up on many PC's, losing over 1k dollars from experimenting. I don't want to go down that same path again, and this computer, I know and feel comfortable with the hardware.

    I really do understand what you mean, it's just that PC building doesn't suit me at this time in my life, hopefully it will later.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    Yea 4k I looked at the prices on 4k capable monitors and said it was indeed only going to happen if I win the lottery :)
    So a 144Hz monitor is good enough :)
    144Hz and with G-Sync features is also good enough and expensive enough too :)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,962
    Windows 7 x64 (Ultimate)

    The most important thing is hardware compatibility and there are plenty of websites that can help with that. After you got that going, the hardest part for me is where to connect the case wires with mobo and that too can be found easily on google... having a little patience is all you need and not rushing to build it in 10 secs.

    Being certified does not guarantee you will not fail... remember that
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 422
    Windows 7 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Hi, I'm back and wanted to ask another question instead of making a new thread.

    So now I have this:

    Gtx 960 2gb
    12gb ddr3 ram
    120gb SSD
    Same psu
    Core i5 650 CPU (same as before)

    Before immediately being disgusted by the CPU, I'd like to know what are your thoughts on this system now? I mainly play call of duty: black ops 1 on 1080p and would like to at 4K. I've seen it on YouTube and the person had a gtx 960 2gb as well, but a diff CPU.

    I can always upgrade to a core i7 870, but wouldn't want to if the i5 650 works or is playable at 4K.
      My Computer


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