Might work, but the problem is I can't even get IN to Steam. After I install it, it goes to the "Updating "window and from there shows the error
Might work, but the problem is I can't even get IN to Steam. After I install it, it goes to the "Updating "window and from there shows the error
What version of Windows do you have? Do you have admin rights? Where are you getting the Steam app from? Steam, The Ultimate Online Game Platform
I'm not sure what the problem is
PS.... what's this got to do with checking the Windows Firewall.....
That "could" very well be the problem???
Did you see this warning...
If the firewal is blocking Steam, your issue is gong to happen. So, based on your last post, I have to ask... did you check the firewall settings???Important:
If you are installing Steam for the first time or if there has been a recent Steam update, a firewall may be preventing Steam from connecting to the Steam Network.
Please remember to update your firewall permission settings for Steam with every Steam update and for Steam games every time a game update is released. Steam updates and game updates are announced on the Steam News page.
I had the same 'updating and then fail' so if the OP is using the default Win firewall - it should be automatically configured for Steam.
Because I never touched it and it worked as soon as I disabled my routers firewall. (I did check though and was automatically configured)
As for checking the router, I'd point you in the right direction to look, but I have no idea what model you are using.
One of the most common IP's used to access your routers settings is
The default password is usually admin/admin
On my router for example, the firewall can be found under: Configuration>Firewall>General settings
But each router is different in their layout, so if you can access it's menu (via browser) you can poke around to find the firewall settings.
I just got Alien vs Predators and the downloading speed is extremely slow. I am running windows 7. How can I speed it up?
What do you mean what time?
severedsolo was referring to the time of day that you are dl'ing. Many often find that if they have slow dl's during the peak hours in their time zone, if they change their region to something more Easterly (where it is the middle of the night), the dl speed will pick up significantly. See sygnus' post from above:
I only had an issue once with slow dl. I changed my region to somewhere in Europe, restarted Steam, and it took off to max dl speed. Only thing I would recommend is after completing your dl, change the region back to your local one.
i bought counter-strike source and i installed steam in the last screen of installation it shows that counter-strike source installation will continue then nothing happen and when i launch steam a dialog box appears showing updating steam 0% completed then after sometime it shows a error that steam is temprly nt available..... WHAT TO DO !!!!!!!!
Turn off the loud bold fonts first!!!!
Than you can check here.... Steam Support
and here.... Steam - Troubleshooting Network Connectivity