When can we see Solitaire?
When can we see Solitaire?
Maybe in the future.
Which leads me to ask - Will they put those silly games back into Windows 7. You know, Freecell et al.
The following post leads me to think Windows 7 is serious about Gaming. They'd need to be having missed out in Vista and the early compatability and speed problems gamers encountered.
Windows 7 to Include Automatic Game Update Check
by Nick Breckon Sep 22, 2008 2:23pm CST tags: PC Gaming
A new screenshot from a recent build of the next Windows shows that developer Microsoft is planning to incorporate more robust PC gaming functionality into its operating software.
According to an image from ThinkNext, the games startup menu in the current build of Windows 7 includes an option to automatically alert users to updates for PC games. An option box to allow Windows to auto-download "information and news about games and game providers" is also shown.
Windows 7 to Include Automatic Game Update Check - Shacknews - PC Games, PlayStation, Xbox 360 and Wii video game news, previews and downloads