Is Windows 7 Home Premium Family Pack still available?

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  1. Posts : 271
    Windows 8 Pro x64; Win 7 Home Premium x64 SP1 on VirtualBox

    Is Windows 7 Home Premium Family Pack still available?

    Hi all,

    I am planning to eventually upgrade all of my computers (a Dell Inspiron 1525, and Compaq desktop) to Windows 7, but would like the cheapest way possible to do it. I love the family pack, but unfortunately it doesn't look like its available anymore. Is it still available? Or do I have to spend more money to upgrade?


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    It is not available anymore. It was a limited time promotion.

    Your best bet now is to buy a Technet standard subscription for $199. This will give you multiple copies of every OS and every version, as well as servers and Microsoft office. It's for IT Professionals according to MS...but they don't do anything to verify this as far as I know. As long as you have a method of payment, they will sell it to you.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 13,354
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    No, it's no longer available.

    You will have to purchase Upgrade licenses, I'm afraid.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    Hello McDougal.

    TechNet is a great deal.

    Microsoft TechNet
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 159
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    I seen alot on ebay. Dont know if this helps. ALOT of the family pack ones.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    A lot of pirated stuff is being sold on eBay now, one has to be very careful; we see people crying about blacklisted keys here all the time, I wouldn't waste my time or money.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    I wouldn't buy a licensed copy of Windows off eBay. I'd be more likely to steal it off the shelves at a retail store.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 271
    Windows 8 Pro x64; Win 7 Home Premium x64 SP1 on VirtualBox
    Thread Starter

    Hi guys, thanks for all the replies. Sorry I couldn't reply sooner, life's busy sometimes. Anyways thanks for all the suggestions, I think I might just have to buy two licenses (two is the number of computers I want to upgrade). Maybe by the time I upgrade (after SP1 or later) it might be cheaper again. Thanks for all the help!

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2

    If there is a college student or faculty member in your household you can get a great deal here:

    Microsoft Student - Windows 7
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 159
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    You guys are right tho. Some things (Like Windows) i would be worried to buy off ebay not trusting the seller. But if the seller has a 35,000 plus sales...and still 100% feedback. And has pics of the retail version of windows sealed up. I may trust them if the price was right. Not ALL will be bad. But i know what u guys mean...its more like why gamble right.
      My Computer

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