Mount C:\Users as a Fat32 Partition

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  1. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 x64 Professional
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, Barman58.

    I am decidedly going to leave everything other than documents, music, videos, and downloads in C:\Users. I think that this is the best way to get around the permissions problem. As for the incapabilities of FAT32 (drive errors, file limit size, etc.) I'm going to use the open source driver implementation of EXFAT that I have found on Google Code. It's hosted here
    exfat - Project Hosting on Google Code

    If anyone else wishes to do this, they can compile the FUSE implementation from source for their system with the following code:
    svn co exfat-read-only
    cd exfat-read-only
    sudo scons install
    Then edit the FSTAB to mount the "exfat-fuse" device at whichever mountpoint you like :)

    Of course, you don't have to use scons if you don't like good stuff to happen automagically.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,639
    Windows 7 Ultimate, OS X 10.7, Ubuntu 11.04

    I just need to add to to this thread that as of Linux Kernel 2.6.xx + NTFS read/write support is fully implemented. All Ubuntu releases (8.04 -> 10.10) have this implemented with no issue, and since Ubuntu is based off of Debian, it to should have no issues with this.
      My Computer

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