win 7 libraries

  1. pjd
    Posts : 115
    Win 7 Professional 64bit

    win 7 libraries

    Can I create a hierarchical collection of libraries like I can with folders ?

    Thanks pjd
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,885
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Mint 9


      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,326
    Windows 7 Ultimate RTM (Technet)

    You mean create Libraries inside other Libraries? No. I just tried and you can't do it.
      My Computer

  4. pjd
    Posts : 115
    Win 7 Professional 64bit
    Thread Starter

    MacGyvr said:
    You mean create Libraries inside other Libraries? No. I just tried and you can't do it.
    Yeah, like branch libraries

    My local municipal library has one main library and several branches, so the paradigm is not unknown, at least not down-under.

    Maybe it's unknown in Seattle; as I recall banks in Lubbock TX can't have branches, maybe there's a similar ordinance in Seattle WA for libraries.

    Aaah well, looks like it'll have to be a tree of folders with folder symlinks as leaves.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 654
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Lordbob75 said:

    MacGyvr said:
    what the hell?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,326
    Windows 7 Ultimate RTM (Technet)

    I believe the original responder did not understand the question fully.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 6,885
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Mint 9

    MacGyvr said:
    I believe the original responder did not understand the question fully.

    I thought that he meant create more folders within libraries, not libraries within libraries.
    My mistake.

      My Computer


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