Change Hard Drive Letter

  1. Posts : 12
    W7 professional 64bit

    Change Hard Drive Letter

    I have a new computer that runs W7 Prof 64 bit. I noticed when I got it the following.

    Drive C (W7 on it and it's the boot drive)
    Drive E (second hard drive
    Drive D (CDROM drive)
    Hard Drives are both 1TB SATA3
    What is on the E drive is data I copied there.
    I would like to change the E drive to D and the CDROM drive D to E.
    This way my hard drives will be C and D and the CDROM will be E.
    I have no idea how to do this. Can anyone help me?

      My Computer

  2. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    You can do that in Disk Management. Right click on the drive(s) and you will see. But you will first have to assign a different letter (e.g. M) to E or D to free up that letter. If you have data on E, it may lose the path though.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 12
    W7 professional 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Change the CDROM Drive letter??

    How do I reassign a different letter to the CDROm drive to free up the letter D?
      My Computer

  4. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    Keithet said:
    How do I reassign a different letter to the CDROm drive to free up the letter D?
    Seee the picture
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Change Hard Drive Letter-2010-12-24_220034.png  
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6,285
    Windows 10 Pro X64

    There is a good tutorial on this here: Drive Letter - Add, Change, or Remove in Windows 7
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 12
    W7 professional 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the tips. I am Xp experienced but not W7.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 75
    Win 7 Pro

    This is the second link I've followed from a google search to find out the answer to how to change a drive letter--and the second one that advised it can be done in Disk Management--unfortunately however, without mention that Disk Management is one of the most remote, obscure and hidden features of Windows 7. Joyously, someone later in this thread gave directions on how to find that.
    Last edited by TomBrooklyn; 29 May 2012 at 10:35.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,795
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    Keithet said:
    Thanks for the tips. I am Xp experienced but not W7.
    For the record, the steps are identical in XP as they are in Windows 7. I'll add one caveat that I've never used XP Home Premium, so my comment may only apply to Windows XP Pro.
      My Computer


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