No problem, and please let me know if you have any suggestions, or if you notice any quirky behavior when running the utility with Windows 7. (Which, I might just add since I'm here on the Win7 forums anyways - I'm extremely excited about.)
How about older windows style cascade.
For god sakes - someone fix lack of right click on minimized multiple instances of a program and selecting cascade.
Example I open 150 windows of Chrome and they are grouped on the taskbar under one icon - Previously I just right click and then click cascade and all of the Chrome windows cascade on screen. Under 7 it's only option is the nasty visual perusal and then clicking and maximizing ONE at a time........ AHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Lack of the feature makes me wonder who at MS was smoking the crack.
oh... and I should specify wouldn't it have been smart w/ the emphasis on gestures to hold down your mouse button over the taskbar icon of all the minimized instances then drag it up - cascading all the instances?
...same goes for say a finger on touchscreen making same gesture.
I can't state how
MS has made me over this BS.