Script to restart an application if it has stopped.
I have the following script on an XP computer and it successfully detects whether an application has stopped or is not responding. It kills if required and restarts. But it doesn't work on Windows 7.
How can I either fix, or do the same thing another way on Windows 7?
On XP if the app is not running then "%TEMP%\TaskStatus.tmp.txt" ends up empty. On windows 7 it ends up with the string "INFO: ...." in it. So checking for size 0 doesn't work. I tried doing the same thing as done lower in the script but checking for INFO: instead of SUCCESS: but it doesn't work for some reason.
Code:@ECHO OFF ECHO Restart Application ECHO. ECHO. SETLOCAL EnableExtensions REM Enter the application information. SET AppName=SRM SET ExeFile=SRM.exe SET ExePath=C:\sr\SRM\BIN REM Select the conditions to kill the application. REM A value of 1 = Yes, 0 = No SET KillIfRunning=0 SET KillIfNotResponding=1 SET KillIfUnknownStatus=1 REM Specify when to start the application: REM 1 = Start only if the process was previous killed. REM 0 = Start the application regardless. SET StartOnlyIfKilled=1 SET StartIfNotRunning=1 REM Ignores StartOnlyIfKilled SET TaskStatus="%TEMP%\TaskStatus.tmp.txt" SET KillStatus="%TEMP%\KillStatus.tmp.txt" SET LogFile="c:\sr\scripts\SRMProcess.txt" SET Success=0 IF {%StartIfNotRunning%}=={1} ( TASKLIST /FI "imagename eq %ExeFile%" > %TaskStatus% FOR %%A IN (%TaskStatus%) DO if %%~zA == 0 ( DATE /t > %LogFile% TIME /t > %LogFile% ECHO "SRM not running." > %LogFile% GOTO Restart ) ) ECHO Killing existing %AppName% instance... IF {%KillIfRunning%}=={1} CALL :CheckKillStatus "%ExeFile%" "RUNNING" IF {%KillIfNotResponding%}=={1} CALL :CheckKillStatus "%ExeFile%" "NOT RESPONDING" IF {%KillIfUnknownStatus%}=={1} CALL :CheckKillStatus "%ExeFile%" "UNKNOWN" ECHO. IF {%StartOnlyIfKilled%}=={1} ( IF {%Success%}=={0} GOTO End DATE /t > %LogFile% TIME /t > %LogFile% ECHO "SRM killed." > %LogFile% ) :Restart ECHO Restarting %AppName%... START "%ExeFile%" "%ExePath%\%ExeFile%" ECHO. IF EXIST %KillStatus% DEL /F /Q %KillStatus% ENDLOCAL :CheckKillStatus ECHO Killing with status: %~2 TASKKILL /FI "STATUS eq %~2" /IM "%~1" /F > %KillStatus% SET /P KillResult= < %KillStatus% FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=:" %%A IN ("%KillResult%") DO ( ECHO %%A:%%B IF /I {%%A}=={SUCCESS} SET /A Success=%Success%+1 ) :End