I really need help~ USB Not recognized?! But theres no USB in..

  1. Posts : 4
    windows 7

    I really need help~ USB Not recognized?! But theres no USB in..

    Yeah, I don't know why the hell this is happening.. But..

    At random times, my laptop randomly makes the noise (As if you're putting in a usb port, and taking it out, over and over) and I don't know why. Then it says "USB port unrecognized" or something.

    Whenever I'm on a webcam, and this seems to happen WHEN I am, although, it might just do it at random; the webcam shuts off, and I keep hearing the USB in, and out noise OVER AND OVER, Followed by a pop-up on the bottom left near the clock.

    Is there any solution to this?

    Keep in mind, there is NO usb in my computer when this happens.

    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 236
    Win 7 64 bit professional

    How is your webcam connected ?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 826
    Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit SP1

    I think some internal web cams are USB and use an internal USB port / pinout. I had a netbook computer and I got that exact same message when its internal web cam stopped working. Updating the driver software for the web cam resolved the issue for me.

    PatrickCeci said:
    Yeah, I don't know why the hell this is happening.. But..

    At random times, my laptop randomly makes the noise (As if you're putting in a usb port, and taking it out, over and over) and I don't know why. Then it says "USB port unrecognized" or something.

    Whenever I'm on a webcam, and this seems to happen WHEN I am, although, it might just do it at random; the webcam shuts off, and I keep hearing the USB in, and out noise OVER AND OVER, Followed by a pop-up on the bottom left near the clock.

    Is there any solution to this?

    Keep in mind, there is NO usb in my computer when this happens.

    Thanks in advance.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 158
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit

    PatrickCeci said:
    Yeah, I don't know why the hell this is happening.. But..

    At random times, my laptop randomly makes the noise (As if you're putting in a usb port, and taking it out, over and over) and I don't know why. Then it says "USB port unrecognized" or something.

    Whenever I'm on a webcam, and this seems to happen WHEN I am, although, it might just do it at random; the webcam shuts off, and I keep hearing the USB in, and out noise OVER AND OVER, Followed by a pop-up on the bottom left near the clock.

    Is there any solution to this?

    Keep in mind, there is NO usb in my computer when this happens.

    Thanks in advance.
    Clean out your USB ports on the side of the computer could be something inside making a connection. Call whom ever you got the computer from and ask them how to web camera is set up and how to get to it. Look to see if there is a connection lose inside the computer.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 107
    Windows 7 64-bit

    That sounds like a driver issue. I would start by updating the drivers of your webcam.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    How can I update it? I tried, and it says there is no update available.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,440
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    It would help us to help you Patrick if you completed your systems specs!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Manufacturer : Samsung Electronics

    Rating : 4.3

    Processor : Intel core i3 CPU M 330 @ 2.13GHz

    RAM : 4.00 GB

    System type : 64-bit

    Pen and touch : No pen or touch input is available for this display

    Anything else?

    Please, help.
      My Computer


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