problem with SID number windows 7 64bit

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  1. Posts : 62
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit

    problem with SID number windows 7 64bit

    Ok. I changed my SID number last night i installed a programm and it had something insde that it called SID number and after I rebooted most of my stuff was gone. Well, I dont know if its gone or it is just not available to me because Im not able to log in to my my administrator account. I am not able to perform most functions because I dont have the rights to do pretty much anything.

    If I get my stuff back, that is cool, but I really need to start windows 7 over so I can get started again.

    Is there a way that I can fix this or somehow restart my system? i have my programms but i need back my old desktop plz guys im beging you help me im very dissapointed
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,618
    Win7 Home Premium x64 W10Pro&Home

    Welcome to Windows 7 Forums. Help us help you. Fill in your system specs and tell us what the program that you installed is called. Try starting the machine in safe mode using the F8 key while booting at the black screen, bring up msconfig.exe from the run command on the start menu, you may have to enable it in the start menu properties. The startup tab will show you the programs that start with windows, hopefully, you can disable the program causing your problems here and reboot...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 62
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit
    Thread Starter

    ive downloaded a program last nite my friend it called cursor fx plus i install it and then inside the folder it was a another run program called newSID i didnt know what sid is so i thought this was a crack thing i install it and everythink was good till today i opoened my pc and i saw it very changed it mad a new account that im not admin and i cant do anything i tried to make my account admin but i cant i tried to get in my last user folder but i cant again what should i do? plz help me
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64 ; Xubuntu x64

    Are you the same person that posted here

    The 1st posts are almost identical.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 62
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit
    Thread Starter

    yes its the samer problem my friend but i have windows 7 and i need my old user back
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 62
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit
    Thread Starter

    the program i installed changed my SID number and then changed anything on my computer
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 11,408

    cursor fx plus is a Serial key crack.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,261
    Windows 7 Professional 32-bit SP1

    alexjames2320 said:
    yes its the samer problem my friend but i have windows 7 and i need my old user back
    Why are you trying to change your Security Identifier? Why would you need to to?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 62
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit
    Thread Starter

    i didnt tried to change it i thought it was a crack thing and it changed it
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,261
    Windows 7 Professional 32-bit SP1

    alexjames2320 said:
    i didnt tried to change it i thought it was a crack thing and it changed it

    Ok, then. So I'll rephrase my question: Why are you using cracks, and what where you trying to crack?
      My Computer

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