Accidently dragged and dropped start menu items into Documents folder

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  1. Posts : 43
    Windows 7 32bit Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    Imperfect1 said:
    It sounds like you have to deal with the problem via the Navigation Pane. This tutorial might hold the answer to your problem, or at the very least, give you some guidance as to other options you might try:
    How to Add or Remove the Windows 7 Libraries Folder from the Navigation Pane
    I'll take a look.

    MacGyvr said:
    Aaron10 said:
    Didn't work either.

    MacGyvr said:

    Did System Restore complete or fail? Try another restore point?
    Yeah tried a couple all from previous points, none worked.

    They're acting as shortcuts kind of.
    Didn't answer my question...

    Did System Restore complete successfully or did it fail? I'm not asking if it solved the problem, just asking if it completed successfully or not. If not, try it in Safe Mode.
    I did answer, I said 'Yeah'.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,326
    Windows 7 Ultimate RTM (Technet)

    Aaron10 said:
    Imperfect1 said:
    It sounds like you have to deal with the problem via the Navigation Pane. This tutorial might hold the answer to your problem, or at the very least, give you some guidance as to other options you might try:
    How to Add or Remove the Windows 7 Libraries Folder from the Navigation Pane
    I'll take a look.

    MacGyvr said:
    Aaron10 said:

    Didn't work either.

    Yeah tried a couple all from previous points, none worked.

    They're acting as shortcuts kind of.
    Didn't answer my question...

    Did System Restore complete successfully or did it fail? I'm not asking if it solved the problem, just asking if it completed successfully or not. If not, try it in Safe Mode.
    I did answer, I said 'Yeah'.
    When I ask did it complete successfully or did it fail, "yeah" doesn't tell me what I need to know.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,996
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Aaron10 said:
    I accidentally selected 'Public Documents', 'My Pictures' and 'Public Pictures' and dragged and dropped them into My Documents and they appear as categories (collapsible items) in My Documents. How do I remove them? Deleting only deletes the content within rather than remove these categories. Running Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit. Thanks.
    If you ever do it again and you immediately realize what you did, select Organize, Undo.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 43
    Windows 7 32bit Home Premium
    Thread Starter

    Easy fix, At the top it says:

    Documents library
    Includes: 4 locations

    Click the '4 locations' or however many and just remove the ones you want.

    Dunno how I missed that, thanks for the help anyway.
      My Computer

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