Newly created user profile not registered correctly

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  1. Posts : 37
    Windows 7 Pro x64 / Pro x86 (Netbook)

    Newly created user profile not registered correctly

    Good Morning and a happy new year, helpful people

    Yesterday I ran into a weird, and apparently unique, problem.
    The actual problem is described below the bold text, everything before that is just introduction.

    I wanted to create a user account on my netbook for my girlfriend. She has a MacBook, so to get some actual work done, I created a new user for her on my Desktop PC, and so she would be able to work on the train or whatever, I wanted to set up Live Mesh between her user profile on my Desktop and a user profile on my netbook.

    On the desktop, everything went fine. I created a new user account with her name, registered a windows live account for her mail address, logged her on, set up Live Mesh for her and let her work.

    Then I wanted to do the same on my netbook. Since I use Live Mesh myself for the same reasons I wanted to set it up for her, I wanted to create the same user account on my netbook as well.

    That was where the trouble started:
    I created the new profile, and rebooted (just in case).
    When I tried to log in, I got an error message saying that the user profile service failed to log on, and that the profile won't be able to sign on either.
    THen I logged onto my own account, which worked fine, and tried to run a program under her account (using "Run As"). That didn't work either, the system reported a profile error.
    I tried finding a solution online, but all I could find said I should delete the profile from the registry's Profile List, as the SID might not have been deleted. When I looked there, there was no entry or this profile, nothing at all.

    I suspect that for some reason, windows didn't properly save the account upon creation, and for that reason was unable to log it on. I retried everything again, with all security disabled, and properly logged on as administrator, with the same result.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? I basically need just one more user account, so a manual account creation process would be fine, too.
      My Computer

  2. NoN
    Posts : 4,166
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 - x64 [Non-UEFI Boot]

    You could delete the new corrupted created profile before creating any new account.

    Here some links to tutorial forums:[2]=User%20Accounts
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 37
    Windows 7 Pro x64 / Pro x86 (Netbook)
    Thread Starter

    NoN said:
    You could delete the new corrupted created profile before creating any new account.

    Here some links to tutorial forums:
    Tutorials - Windows 7 Forums[2]=User%20Accounts
    I forgot to mention that, sorry.
    Of course, every time I tried to re-create the profile, I deleted the old one through the usual dialogue, but the problem remained.
    According to the tutorials, I didn't do anything wrong. The new account didn't show up in the registry's profile list and in the "Users folder". I'm not sure if that's really a problem though, maybe these entries are created upon the first login, but I still can't perform that first login.
    Right now I'm going through the group policy settings to see if one of them might be the reason. I slightly remember making the netbook something like a digital fortress (it's sitting in lecture halls most of the day, after all)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64


    I'd like to find out if you ever found a solution?

    I seem to be running into the same problem: I log in as administrator, and create a new standard user account (I've tried this using a unique name like test123, etc... to be sure it's not conflicting with any previous account information).

    When I try to log into the new account, I get the user profile failed the logon error.

    When I look in the registry, there is no SID for the new account, only the existing ones. There is also no new folder in C:\Users\ for the new account, again only for the existing ones. The new account DOES appear under Users and Groups though, and I'm able to assign folder permissions to it.

    Any ideas?

    I can do a fresh install if that's the only option, but I'd rather avoid it if at all possible.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 37
    Windows 7 Pro x64 / Pro x86 (Netbook)
    Thread Starter

    Hi, I'm sorry for abandoning this thread pretty much the same way I abandoned the problem. The last thing I tried was just copying the "Default" Profile into a folder named like the new profile.

    Login worked, but the user folders and redirects were pretty messed up. I have, since then, reinstalled Windows on that machine and now everything (including some unrelated other problems) works fine, so I don't know if the messed up folders had any far-reaching consequences, it might have just been the localisation causing trouble, so the English version of Win7 might work that way.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 14,606
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7600

    just noticed this thread ,for future reference this is a fix for the fail to logon message, it worked perfectly for me recently.
    User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    boohbah said:
    just noticed this thread ,for future reference this is a fix for the fail to logon message, it worked perfectly for me recently.
    User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.
    Yeah, I've seen that before, and used it in other situations.

    It doesn't work in this case though, because it's happening for a brand new account that's never been logged into, not an existing one that worked and then started having problems. For the new account, there is no folder in C:\Users\, and there is no SID in the registry.

    I may end up just doing a fresh install.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1
    Windows Professional 32 bit

    I've had the same problems for months and have failed to find a fix. A Fresh install does seem the only way forward but I can't face that! They all have their own laptops now anyway so its not a problem - just an irritation that I can't fix it.

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Pro 32 bit

    I was wondering if anyone found a fix for this outside of the reinstall?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    I have a very simple and simplistic mind.

    Please, please--If you have a problem, start your own thread. Trying to hijack another person's thread only produces confusion.

    Now, to the person who started this thread:
    Do you still have a problem?
    And I also recommend that you throw away Live Mesh and use SkyDrive. SkyDrive has gone thru a terrific improvement. True, there are a couple of features in Mesh wihich would be nice to have with SkyDrive, but there are other complications and problems inherit in Mesh which will be going away anyway. Use SkyDrive.

      My Computer

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