New hard drive or reformat?
I was asked by a friend / coworker to look at their computer. They have a windows vista hp computer they put ram into it and an external. It now has 5 gb of ram and his computer is still outrageously slow. It turn out his 250 gb hdd is split into 2 partitions a partition called back up that takes up 80 gb and is full and his c partition that has the 170 gb left but has only 25 gb of free space. I assumed this was the culpret for such slow speed since everything else checked out. He had a dual core processor above 2 ghz. We moved every uneeded file over to the external and it had no effect it only freed up 10 gb and computer was still slow / unreponsive. My question is what should I do? He asked me if i could fix it Im assuming I can. Do I a. Buy a new bigger hard drive and install vista b. back up his files on external and do a clean install on hdd he has now (I dont know how to put the backed up data on the c drive...) or c. is there a way to delete the partition called back up and move its backed up data to the external so that there is free space on the c drive and it should speed it up? Oh and I checked for virus's I didnt find any.