Folders with Padlock

  1. Posts : 3
    I have three laps, one Toshiba/XP, one DELL XPS/Vista and one HP WINDOWS 7

    Folders with Padlock

    Hi, I'm new at this forum and I think this is the only way to find help on a issue I have on my HP Note book Windows seven system, my LCD has been replaced by HP as it deveolped a line and still was on guarantee, when I got it back I see many folders with a lock pad at the beginning an I am not able to open them, I can see also duplicated folders with this lock pad and also this ones does not open. I do not know what to do as I tried to give permissions granted to all users and was not able to do so as an error message appeared.

    What should I do to correct or eliminate this situation.


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,642
    Windows 10 Pro (x64)

    What folders are you looking at?

    * Before someone offers a blanket advice of altering permissions.
    Lets find out what the user is looking at first. Okay?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    I have three laps, one Toshiba/XP, one DELL XPS/Vista and one HP WINDOWS 7
    Thread Starter

    Will look at the folders, and post the path and tree if any, at this yime I'm at my old satellite XP, will look at the HP and let you know.


      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3
    I have three laps, one Toshiba/XP, one DELL XPS/Vista and one HP WINDOWS 7
    Thread Starter

    You are right, the following files/folders have this padlock and can't acces them as I do on XP :$Recycle Bin, Public Documents, My Videos, My Music, My pictures Document and settings.

    I have read the Junction Points in Vista and Junction Dysfunction by Raymond Chen and it gets more confusing, maybe there is some kind of files explorer which could allow to see where the real files are and maybe coul manage them. Really I like more my old Toshiba with XP but as time and technology is defined by the guys at Redmond we, users need to learn about it.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,528
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    This may be a simple issue of permissions/ownership. Open the properties of the folder(s) in question, click the Security tab, click the Advanced button, and click the Owner tab. Click the Edit button, select your account from the list, check the "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" box, and click OK 3 times (to close the properties dialog boxes). Once this is done, you should be able to go back into the properties dialog of the folder(s), click the Security tab, click the Advanced button, click the Change Permissions button, click Add, select your account (and click the OK button), check the "Replace all child objects with inheritable permissions from this object" and click OK. This will give your account ownership of the folder and it's contents, as well as give it full control security of the contents as well.
      My Computer


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