Resolve program for Win 7 X64

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  1. Posts : 2,737
    Windows 7 Enterprise (x64); Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)

    If you would like a pure OS solution.

    Open a command prompt and enter:

    dir /s xcopy.exe | find /i "directory"
    dir /s xcopy.* | find /i "directory"



    attrib xcopy.exe /s
    Last edited by WindowsStar; 06 Jan 2011 at 23:19.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,285
    Windows 10 Pro X64
    Thread Starter

    I understand that and sometimes do so, but it's not the same at all and would be very slow.

    There must (should?) be a way to query the OS for the path an executable resides in.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    Application.ExecutablePath Property (System.Windows.Forms)


    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,737
    Windows 7 Enterprise (x64); Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)

    Ztruker said:
    I understand that and sometimes do so, but it's not the same at all and would be very slow.

    There must (should?) be a way to query the OS for the path an executable resides in.
    Humm, just searched my 2TB drive for readme.txt with dir /s readme.txt |find /i "Directory" which there are a lot of those files. And it did not take too long. System found over 500 files in about 30 seconds. I did the same search within Windows Explorer and it took 60 seconds. How much faster does it need to be??
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6,285
    Windows 10 Pro X64
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    Well, instantaneous or 1 to 2 seconds would be nice. It takes the OS less than that to determine if a command I type is valid or not so why isn't it possible to query the OS in a similar way?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,737
    Windows 7 Enterprise (x64); Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)

    Ztruker said:
    Well, instantaneous or 1 to 2 seconds would be nice. It takes the OS less than that to determine if a command I type is valid or not so why isn't it possible to query the OS in a similar way?
    Because you are searching a hard drive. Hard drives are mechanical and slow by most standards. It is only now-a-days that we have SSD replacements for your hard drive, however even these are slow, much faster than a mechanical hard drive but still slow. To have a super fast look up you would need very fast memory (expensive). The way Microsoft has gotten around this is to index the drive which makes the searches much faster so my search of a 2TB drive at 30 seconds is amazing.

    I remember back in the day when I had an 850MB hard drive and it took 5 minutes to search the whole drive.

    (Please note I am being extremely general here, I know there are other ways to make the search faster, I am only providing a simple general explanation here.)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 6,285
    Windows 10 Pro X64
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    Sorry. Either I did not explain myself well or I'm just not getting my point across.

    I do not want to search the hard drive. I want a way to ask the OS where a specific command will be executed from. That's what resolve did, from OS/2 through all the releases of Windows through XP until now as it will not work in X64. I don't have the source code, just the executable.

    My original post was:
    I had a program called resolve that I could run that would tell me where a command would be executed from. For instance, if I entered

    resolve xcopy

    It would respond with

    In OS/2 it would even tell me if the command was supported by cmd.exe and not a stand alone program (like xcopy).
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,737
    Windows 7 Enterprise (x64); Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)


    I guess you are right I don't understand. Can you upload the program and I can try it on my XP machine to understand what it does??
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,737
    Windows 7 Enterprise (x64); Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)


    I see your posts in all the other forums and all over the internet for this. In those posts you were looking for a VBS solution. If you still are I can create one. I just need to know how you are going to use it and what it really does. Thanks.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 6,285
    Windows 10 Pro X64
    Thread Starter

    This is what it looks like for me in XP Mode:
    C:\Documents and Settings\XPMUser>resolve xcopy


    C:\DOCUME~1\XPMUser>resolve netsh


    C:\DOCUME~1\XPMUser>resolve copy

    Program not found

    Under OS/2, resolve xcopy would have returned cmd.exe since copy is built into cmd.exe, not an external command.

    This is the executable:
      My Computer

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