Windows Start up Tune....

  1. Posts : 41
    windows 7

    Windows Start up Tune....

    Could someone please tell me where this is located and the name of it? I have played every Windows tune on my machine and have yet to find it. I just wonder if it's incorporated into a file other than a WAV or MP3? The reason for it is that I want to change it. Also, there is no provision in the system sounds to even change it, however, every other Windows related sound is there to change or mute. The closest one to Windows Startup is Windows Logon. Not the same.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    it could be in system 33
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 41
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Nope, ain't there.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    How to change Windows 7 startup sound

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 41
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    I've used text editors before to change "Start" in Win 95 & 98, but, I shouldn't have to use one to change something like a WAV just because MS nuked it and baked it is a casserole. In the instructions, it sez that I have to "enable" Windows Startup. I don't even have a provision to enable it, there is nothing!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    It is not a text file, it is a Windows system file,


    and you have to hack it to change it. The hack is accomplished by using a compiler to recompile the dll after hacking it.

    You need to take ownership as admin, as otherwise Windows wont let you copy or replace it.

    You can use this to do it easily;

    Windows File Replacer

    You have to hack the file with resource hacker;

    Resource Hacker

    for the 64 BIT version read this;

    One off update - 19 December 2009 (version 3.5.2 beta):

    I needed to access resources in a 64bit Windows executable so I've just updated Resource HackerTM to open (ie decompile/recompile) these files too. This new version also displays PNG image resources. However, please understand that I have no intention of reviving this project so please DON'T ask for other features. Also, because this version has only had limited testing I'm releasing it as a beta version. You can download this beta version here - reshack_setup.exe
    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 41
    windows 7
    Thread Starter

    Well, after reading the links above, it's been suggested that the largest WAV I can use should be limited to 330kb; the file that I want to use is 1.3mb.

    Just out of curiosity, why is it in other versions of Windows, XP, 98, etc, was there a provision for changing this tune in the "Sounds" window, yet in 7 it has to be hacked?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,578
    Vista 64 bit and 32 bit (SP2)

    How to Change the Windows 7 Startup Sound - Brink’s Tutorial utilizes the Resource Hacker app mentioned below in a post that I copied a while back. (Sorry, don't remember who the OP was).

    "It looks like you'll have to use the program "Resource Hacker" to modify a DLL system file. For some reason, the Startup Sound isn't the same as the other Windows sounds that can be easily changed.... I found this how-to guide; it was written for Vista but it still applies to Win7."
      My Computer


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