Windows 7, Configuring (70-680) Exam

  1. Posts : 43
    Windows 7 Enterprise (64-bit)

    Windows 7, Configuring (70-680) Exam

    Anyone have passed this exam recently and mind sharing the sources they used? After mastering the self paced training kit, and taking the exam, the book covered about 50% of the exam.

    I took the exam two times, and got the same exact questions (no rewording or anything). I marked different answers on both exams and somehow still scored the same score (600/900, 700 to pass).

    After taking the exam twice and memorizing a lot of questions, I was able to google and pull up about 90% of the questions I had on my exam. Comparing the questions to the Self Paced Training Kit, and the Sybex Windows 7 book, a lot of the answers provided in the questions weren't covered in neither books, or not enough in depth.

    Just curious of some other study methods anyone else used while preparing for the exam.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 67
    Win 7 32bit HP

    altjx said:
    Anyone have passed this exam recently and mind sharing the sources they used? After mastering the self paced training kit, and taking the exam, the book covered about 50% of the exam.

    I took the exam two times, and got the same exact questions (no rewording or anything). I marked different answers on both exams and somehow still scored the same score (600/900, 700 to pass).

    After taking the exam twice and memorizing a lot of questions, I was able to google and pull up about 90% of the questions I had on my exam. Comparing the questions to the Self Paced Training Kit, and the Sybex Windows 7 book, a lot of the answers provided in the questions weren't covered in neither books, or not enough in depth.

    Just curious of some other study methods anyone else used while preparing for the exam.
    Maybe this MS forum would be a good place to ask your question.
      My Computer


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