Registry Editing for Dummies
A few weeks ago I experienced a problem that is still not resolved, with videos on my WMP12 being impossible to view, even though audio is fine. I am still trying to figure this out. Not sure what triggered this.
Decided to deactivate WMP12 in Windows 7 for the time being, so it is not active at the moment.
Now, before anyone goes hyper on the next area, please realize that I am a "tourist" in the registry area. These are innocent questions. I really need a "Registry Editing for Dummies"....
Was poking around (and not changing anything) in the registry, and found the Media Player section, and have wondered if it would help or harm things to delete this entire section out of the registry. It is not "installed" on the computer (turned off). Wouldn't this be rebuilt when I reactivate WMP12? Or, are there particular values I should modify/remove, to get the setup back to OEM type condition? I thought perhaps there is a corrupted value in this section causing my video playback to not work correctly.
I also found, surprisingly, evidence of the xvid codec and also ffdshow, which I believe are evidences of codec pkgs installed at some time ago. (I used to have a FLV player and VLC player, both since removed). Still see a reference to VLC media player in the registry, though. Actually, I see references to other older software not on my system anymore.
I am trying to remove all traces of xvid and ffdshow from the PC, in case this is the cause of my problems. I do see a few registry entries mentioning ffdshow and xvid. When I look at my list of installed codecs, however, I only show xvid. I just can't figure out how to find it, much less remove it.
Definitely would like a higher comfort level before messing around in the registry.
So...where to start?