Create shortcut

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 64

    Create shortcut

    How do I create a shortcut to my desktop, so that the Windows explorer will open up the selected library in the 'my documents' section?

    Of course there is no "create shortcut" button when I right click on the library.
      My Computer

  2. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    For libraries you can use "Send to -> Desktop" in the right click menu.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,127
    Win7U 64 RTM

    Open the Library in question, right click, drag to desktop, release right mouse button, choose 'Create shortcut here' from the resulting context menu.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 64
    Thread Starter

    That works -- thanks!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,127
    Win7U 64 RTM

    whs said:
    eFor libraries you can use "Send to - Desktop" in the right click menu.
    Even better. Glad you're around to humiliate me. Keeps me humble.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 64
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for quick reply. Shifting back to PC from Mac -- the file organizing works much better in PC version, but a few things to get used to.
      My Computer

  7. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    James Colbert said:
    whs said:
    eFor libraries you can use "Send to - Desktop" in the right click menu.
    Even better. Glad you're around to humiliate me. Keeps me humble.
    Hi James, no need to feel bad - everybody has their own little tricks.
      My Computer


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