Booting Isues Afer I Modified & Saved A BIOS Profile, Need Help!!!

  1. Posts : 145
    Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1 & Windows 8 & 8.1 Pro x64

    Booting Isues Afer I Modified & Saved A BIOS Profile, Need Help!!!

    Hello. I have an issue that I need some advice on.
    For the last few mornings when I turn on my computer after 6-8 plus hours of not using it, I get this message while the BIOS is booting but before Windows starts:

    Overclocking Failed! Please enter setup to re-configured your system.
    Press F1 to Run Setup.
    Press F2 to load default values and continue.

    Now I know how to simply fix this issue by resetting the BIOS and/or if necessary, temporary removing and replacing the jumper pin on the motherboard and/or if *really* necessary, temporary removal and replacement of the CMOS battery. For me, it works by simply resetting the BIOS.

    To let you know since this has been happening, I have increased my RAM to 8GB. I had to make some changes to my BIOS like slight voltages increases in DRAM and the motherboard's northbridge and the memory module timings modified. I saved these BIOS changes (as a BIOS profile) to stabilize my 8GB of RAM which seems to work great -- stability issues solved. However, now I have this issue here...

    What actually happens is that one the *very first* BIOS booting when powering up my computer, the BIOS does not boot and without the beep from the motherboard's POST BIOS test. My monitor is black while, yet the tower LED shows it is running. I can hear the fan in the tower running fine. I have to manually restart the computer from the reset button and then on the second BIOS boot, the BIOS loads fine, followed by this "Overclocking Failed!" issue just before Windows can load. After another computer reboot and my resetting of the BIOS, followed by yet another computer reboot, the BIOS and Windows operating system loads fine and I am on my way.

    Now *this is a pain in the butt* each morning after the system has been off for awhile or when my computer has not been running for 6-8 hours!!! The computer SHOULD NOT have to go through this!!! This whole sequence of events (4 computer boots) in the last paragraph does not happen if the time duration since my computer was not running is short since I last used my computer -- the computer boots and runs completely fine.

    Any ideas so I can keep the modified BIOS profile so my computer runs stable and not have this whole sequence of events happen -- so BIOS can load without any issues???

    Please reply.

    Thanks you!

    Some basic general stats of my system:
    - Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit.
    - Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 -- Yorkfield 2.83 GHz 1333 MHz processor.
    - ASUS P5Q desktop motherboard.
    - 8 GB of Corsair XMS2 4x2 GB DDR2 RAM.
    - XFX Radeon HD5670 Graphics Card.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,726
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

    Sounds to me like you may have set the voltages and/or timing settings incorrectly or maybe to high. Try smaller increments and see if you get more stability then up the settings in small amounts until the system boots correctly with no problems
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,326
    Windows 7 Ultimate RTM (Technet)

    Why not just set the BIOS to defaults?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    MacGyvr said:
    Why not just set the BIOS to defaults?
    Yes by all means try this first. The default setting work for me when I get too ambtious with over clocking "tweaks".
    Replace the CMOS battery too, it may be dead.
    Which P5Q do you have? the ASUS site lists several flavors of it.
    You mobo may be bad too, it has low ratings here, if this is yours.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 7,684
    Windows 10 Pro

    Britton30 said:
    Replace the CMOS battery too, it may be dead.
    I'm willing to bet it's the battery. Replace it and see what gives. It should be a CR2032 battery, they normally cost around $6 bucks US.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 145
    Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1 & Windows 8 & 8.1 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Thank you ALL! I see that it could very well be the CMOS battery. I have replaced the CMOS coin/button battery. Now, in a few hours I will be able to tell if this was the reason. I have a couple of questions to further ask.

    Does this particular CMOS battery "recharged" when the power supply plugged into the outlet *with my particular motherboard* or not? Please explain.

    Is the CMOS battery *still* supplying power to the BIOS *even when* the power supply IS connected to the outlet and turned ON or not (when the power supply IS connected to the outlet and turned ON) and the power supply supplies the power to the BIOS??? Please explain.

    I am getting conflicting stories from other people.

    Please reply.

    Thank you!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,684
    Windows 10 Pro

    montecarlo1987 said:
    Does this particular CMOS battery "recharged" when the power supply plugged into the outlet *with my particular motherboard* or not? Please explain.
    No. The battery is basically there the supply a small amount of power to the CMOS to keep the BIOS settings in memory. Sort of like the battery of a clock holds the time settings should electrical power fail.

    montecarlo1987 said:
    Is the CMOS battery *still* supplying power to the BIOS *even when* the power supply IS connected to the outlet and turned ON or not (when the power supply IS connected to the outlet and turned ON) and the power supply supplies the power to the BIOS???
    Explained by the clock battery example - just like the battery in clock isn't recharged, the same goes with the CMOS battery.

    Again, these just insure there is power supplied to keep the settings should AC electrical power be lost.

    CMOS Battery - What is a CMOS battery, and why does my computer need one? - Knowledge Base

    Hope this clears it up for you :)
      My Computer


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