New Admin account works well.
New Admin account works well.
That's great news.
If you like, you could just copy anything from your old account's user folders into your new account's folders. Next, copy any shortcuts from the old account's Start Menu into the new account's Start Menu using OPTION ONE in the tutorial below. After everything checks out ok, you could delete the old user account if you like to only use the new one.
Start Menu All Programs - Add or Delete Shortcuts
OK Shawn, that's probably the way I'll go, but just a quick question: Whenever I install software, whenever I get the option to "instal for current user only" or "all users" I always choose current only - but that shouldn't matter should it... just make shortcuts in my new admin start menu? There's no other problem be it access or compatability, right?
I'll first rename my original nonworking account allend66 --> allend66-old then my new account allend66-new --> allend66. This shouldn't cause problems with my synced backups c:\users\allend66 --> X:\ (truecrypt my documents container)?
You might have an issue with encrpted files - someone who uses truecrypt may be able to advise.
Correct. Doing that creates shortcuts of the program in the Start Menu for only the current user instead of all users. You would just need to manually create or copy over the shortcuts to your new administrator account to have them in it.If you mean renaming your user profile folder, then it may cause an issue with the encryption key for that account. I don't have any experience with truecrypt, but you may be better off creating a new synced backup in the new account.
Solid advice, thanks to all. I'll be copying things over and testing so I'll need a little time before I post back.
Well: <sigh..> with the new account and start menu shortcuts, a few programs didn't work - they either had to be reinstalled for this account (eg. Roboform) or weren't activated/registered (eg. MediaMonkey).
I then tried copying *.* from C:\Users\<old> --> C:\Users\<new>.
Windows Explorer wanted elevated priveleges to copy some things which I accepted, but it just hung. I canceled after 5 minutes.
I then tried a workaround with elevated CMD using xcopy /t /e /h. Didn't work. Solved it by using elevated Goodsync with a new backup (hidden & system files included by default). Then I switched to the new account and took ownership of the newly backedup <username> which was set to SYSTEM. All good so far..
It was then that I saw the same problem happening: my right click -> Send To menu empty. In disbelief I froze in horror and deep thought. Then after 5 seconds of mouse pointer hovering on the empty space it filled in as it should. I switched back to old account and did the same thing - paused with mouse pointer over the empty field, and it does fill in but after like 5 seconds (which is a looooong time). I had never hovered my pointer over the empty space for this long before.
So now the question: Why does it take so long to populate? -Is it because I have networked shortcuts? But even so, 5 seconds is a long time, this is a new pc for goodness sake... it has 75% of C: drive empty, it's defragged, it's clean, and with 4Gb of RAM there is usually more than 1Gb unused in system resources. So what's going on?
With this in mind I might now delete the new account and try another fix. Or just accept that that's the way it is.
Any ideas?
I just had a thought. Do you have your HDD's set to turn off after X amount of minutes of being idle? If so, that would cause a small delay before "Send To" would populate while it's waiting on the HDDs to spin back up if they were off when you clicked on "Send To".
If so, you could either have the HDDs not turn off as above, or remove the HDDs from the "Send To" context menu so you can still let them turn off without the delay in the "Send To" menu.
Shawn - you're a genius! That's it - I have links in Send To to 2 portable drives on my remote laptop, and yes the hard disks spin down after 10 minutes. Good lord - can't believe I missed that. +1.
SIW2 - No, no just send to. All else ok.
Thanks for the input people, kudos.