Hi.. I have had this problem for about a week now....
I have a sony vaio windows 7 IE 8 Laptop that I love and it is only a year old.
in the past 5 days the cursor on my logitech wireless mouse freezes. The only way to get out of it is ctrl. alt. del and it goes to my home screen and I cancel and the cursor comes back.. sometimes I go for hours and it doesnt
freeze and then sometimes it freezes every 5 minutes. there are times when I ctl. alt delete and it goes to my screen and I have to manually shutdown as even if I touch the pad on my laptop I cannot close it.. and of course when the cursor freezes
the screen freezes too.
Just to let you know that there is nothing wrong with my battery or mouse
as I have another one just like it and it does the same thing
I contacted Sony Vaio and they came in by remote and put in a patch
and said that should do the trick. but it did not...
any ideas....
do you need more info and if so what else would help in this situation.
I also play some games and that is when I most get this. and I have
the flash 102..... the latest version. and my java is uptodate.
I should also say that at times my IE8 says not responding.....
thanx Coco.
p.s.I have a friend who is very computer savy and comes in by remote
to fix things on my computer and this is stumping even him..