New stuff not showing up in right-click menu

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  1. Posts : 7

    New stuff not showing up in right-click menu

    Hello, I have a problem.

    Winrar show up with its right click menu items (like extract and stuff).

    Xnview and Winmount (which are both win7 compatible) dont show up. Now I know this might be a problem related to the programs and not win7, but I still find it odd that both apps dont work. Is there any "area" in windows where one can check how custom right click menues work, something like maybe "make sure that registry key xxx is set to 1"?

    Allthough, like I said, as winrar is working it is probably related to the apps, but I just wanted to get any ideas thrown at me here of what the problem could be.

    Thanks for answers.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,398
    ultimate 64 sp1

    some context-menu entries only show up if you right-click on certain types of files.

    for xnview, did you also download and install the 'shell extension setup'?

    i think the shell extension is the right-click menu (properly called the context-menu) bit.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

    Yes, I already have it, and winmount is supposed to show up when right-clicking an iso, but it donīt. Have no idea of what the problem can be, as Iīve done all necessary steps in the applications to get right click menus.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,398
    ultimate 64 sp1

    ok, you wanted us to throw ideas at you:

    did you install the programs 'as administrator'?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,752
    Windows 7 Pro x64 (1), Win7 Pro X64 (2)

    Ekenryd said:
    Winmount dont show up.
    Did you install the 32-bit version of WinMount on your 64-bit Win7?

    I just installed the 64-bit version of WinMount on my 64-bit Win7, and there isn't even an installation option to "install shell extension". It's just there.

    And when I right-click on an ISO file it works perfectly:

    But I specifically installed the 64-bit version of the program, in my 64-bit Win7.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 927
    windows 7 ultimate

    With XnView, under Tools > Options, have you checked "Add browse with XnView context menu"?

    New stuff not showing up in right-click menu-capture.png
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,752
    Windows 7 Pro x64 (1), Win7 Pro X64 (2)

    Just noticed that WinMount DOES actually have an "integrate WinMount into shell" checkbox in its "Options":

    Did you accidentally un-check that item??
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

    UAC is turned off, so run as admin shouldnt be needed, right?

    Xnview has "Add browse with XnView context menu" checked.

    winmount is installed with 64-bit on my 64-bit win. Integrate into shell is checked. However, I just notced that I donīt even have a "mount"-tab when opening winmount. This is really weird, have to look into that.

    edit: ooh, you had to right click ON folders to get the xnview extension, I thought it was enough to just right click IN a folder. And I guess I can use another mounter like daemon tools instead of winmount.

    Thanks for the many and quick answers :)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,752
    Windows 7 Pro x64 (1), Win7 Pro X64 (2)

    Ekenryd said:
    UAC is turned off, so run as admin shouldnt be needed, right?
    Correct. I have it turned off as well.

    winmount is installed with 64-bit on my 64-bit win. Integrate into shell is checked.
    Well that's good.

    However, I just noticed that I donīt even have a "mount"-tab when opening winmount.
    Well that's not right. Have you paid for a license for WinMount? Is this in a trial period? Has your trial period expired?

    As you can see from my screenshot above, I absolutely DO show a "mount" tab... from this brand new freshly installed program.

    It does seem very plausible (and suspicious) that you have no critical piece of the program's GUI, and at the same time show no shell extension signs.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 927
    windows 7 ultimate

    Ekenryd said:
    And I guess I can use another mounter like daemon tools instead of winmount.
    Be careful with DT. It uses a driver, sptd.sys, that is notorious for causing BSOD's.

    If you just want a virtual drive for mounting/playing iso files, I use DVDFab. Takes up less than a mb of space.
      My Computer

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