Programs starting twice from start menu

  1. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Programs starting twice from start menu

    Hi all,

    First up sorry if this is in the wrong place - looked the most sensible place to put it. Second, I've tried scouring the internet for a similar problem, but as of yet have been unable to find one.

    The problem I'm experiencing occurred after some hardware problems, which meant the computer was periodically crashing. I think I've now fixed these, however a software problem with windows 7 seems to be occurring.

    Every time I go to the start menu and load a program, not one but two instances of these programs start up. This doesn't occur with all programs I've tested, but this may be because other programs only allow one instance to run at a time. Examples of ones I've tested include Speedfan, Handbrake, Calculator. If I start the programs from within explorer, only one instance starts.

    Interestingly, not sure if this is related, if I go into explorer and double click on a folder, it does not open the folder, i have to right click and then use the open option.

    The computer generally feels a bit slow. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar, or whether I should try a repair install (which will be a bit of hassle as I'll have to try to uninstall SP1 first).

    Any advice greatly appreciated,
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 927
    windows 7 ultimate

    Veggers said:
    Hi all,

    First up sorry if this is in the wrong place - looked the most sensible place to put it. Second, I've tried scouring the internet for a similar problem, but as of yet have been unable to find one.

    The problem I'm experiencing occurred after some hardware problems, which meant the computer was periodically crashing. I think I've now fixed these, however a software problem with windows 7 seems to be occurring.

    Every time I go to the start menu and load a program, not one but two instances of these programs start up. This doesn't occur with all programs I've tested, but this may be because other programs only allow one instance to run at a time. Examples of ones I've tested include Speedfan, Handbrake, Calculator. If I start the programs from within explorer, only one instance starts.

    Interestingly, not sure if this is related, if I go into explorer and double click on a folder, it does not open the folder, i have to right click and then use the open option.

    The computer generally feels a bit slow. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar, or whether I should try a repair install (which will be a bit of hassle as I'll have to try to uninstall SP1 first).

    Any advice greatly appreciated,
    When you right click a folder, is the open option the top (bold) option or is it a.n other?

    Regards your programs double running you might want to run the file association fix and see if that fixes it. (Will update when I find the link, bear with me.)

    EDIT!! Ok you'll find the exe fix, amongst many others here. It's worth bookmarking, but don't lose it like I just did!!

    The following code saved as a .reg file (e.g. Folder Fix.reg) should fix your folder problems. Make a restore point first, better safe than sorry!
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers\Library Location]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\ShellEx\ContextMenuHandlers\Offline Files]
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\Offline Files]

    2ND EDIT!!
    Just noticed the folder fix is on the same page!!
    Last edited by fimble; 16 May 2011 at 13:40. Reason: Added note about folder fix, Blind Bu**er!!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 352
    Windows Home Premium 64bit

    Hi Veggers and welcome to the Forum. As regards to two incidents of the same program opening when you double click, perhaps you have set your system to open items with only one click. Hence, double click opens two copies. Had this problem and it drove me wild until I discovered my error. Hope this helps.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Fimble, Johnnya

    Thank you very much both for your quick replies. I was quite hopeful of the regedit fixes, but alas they didn't work.

    I'm embarrassed to say I neglected to give an important piece of info - I'm using logmein. I just tried the computer directly and the error doesn't seem to occur. I'm now attempting to reinstall logmein - will let you know the result!

    I don't think I'd have thought of this if I hadn't come here, so thanks again!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 927
    windows 7 ultimate

    Well, there you go! Inspired you to fix it yourself, which is good!

    For your info:
    LogMeIn/RemotelyAnywhere. Has known issues with many Windows 7 systems.
    So that might explain it all. If the problem re-appears you will have a good idea what could be the possible cause.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    I think I got too excited too quickly - the hardware problem was only temporarily fixed. PC will no longer post into the BIOS... arg! oh well, thanks for trying!
      My Computer


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