64-bit not running batch files/Path environment
Greetings to all fellow Win 7ers (this is my first post...)
I recently got a new laptop running Win 7 Pro 64-bit and as part of my initial third-party software installations I inadvertently overwrote the 'Path' environment variable (instead of appending to it). I subsequently tried adding c:\windows\system32; to it but don't know if this is doing anything. I have not managed to find any definitive information on what the Path ev should be on a new win7 64-bit install.
The thing is I loaded a batch process which I had on another Win 7 (32-bit) system but when I key the bat filename in cmd.exe (without the extension or double-click it) I get this error:
"The syntax of the command is incorrect."
If I key the bat filename with the extension, it runs but then stops because it seems not to recognize another program which the bat file calls even though I have the Path ev set for that program.
Anyone know what might be going on?