64-bit not running batch files/Path environment

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

    64-bit not running batch files/Path environment

    Greetings to all fellow Win 7ers (this is my first post...)

    I recently got a new laptop running Win 7 Pro 64-bit and as part of my initial third-party software installations I inadvertently overwrote the 'Path' environment variable (instead of appending to it). I subsequently tried adding c:\windows\system32; to it but don't know if this is doing anything. I have not managed to find any definitive information on what the Path ev should be on a new win7 64-bit install.

    The thing is I loaded a batch process which I had on another Win 7 (32-bit) system but when I key the bat filename in cmd.exe (without the extension or double-click it) I get this error:

    "The syntax of the command is incorrect."

    If I key the bat filename with the extension, it runs but then stops because it seems not to recognize another program which the bat file calls even though I have the Path ev set for that program.

    Anyone know what might be going on?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64, Arch Linux

    fiat said:
    Greetings to all fellow Win 7ers (this is my first post...)

    I recently got a new laptop running Win 7 Pro 64-bit and as part of my initial third-party software installations I inadvertently overwrote the 'Path' environment variable (instead of appending to it). I subsequently tried adding c:\windows\system32; to it but don't know if this is doing anything. I have not managed to find any definitive information on what the Path ev should be on a new win7 64-bit install.

    The thing is I loaded a batch process which I had on another Win 7 (32-bit) system but when I key the bat filename in cmd.exe (without the extension or double-click it) I get this error:

    "The syntax of the command is incorrect."

    If I key the bat filename with the extension, it runs but then stops because it seems not to recognize another program which the bat file calls even though I have the Path ev set for that program.

    Anyone know what might be going on?

    Try 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64' instead of 'c:\windows\system32'
    Note that if that software uses 32-bit drivers it won't work on 64-bit
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    This did not work. I have just managed to try this batch process on another pc running Win 7 64-bit and would you believe it, if I run as Administrator, it runs.

    So the status of the bat file issue is:
    It runs ok on Win 7 32-bit
    It doesn't run on my 64-bit new laptop
    It runs as Administrator on another 64-bit system

    I'm now wondering if this is to do with permissions/profile/Win 7 UAC etc.
      My Computer


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