Hello dimdig23, welcome to the Seven Forums,
Enjoy your stay,
Take a moment to complete your System Specs and to read the Forum FAQ's
Hello dimdig23, welcome to the Seven Forums,
Enjoy your stay,
Take a moment to complete your System Specs and to read the Forum FAQ's
Hi all
I am new to this site and am new to Vista really and joined this forum as i am thinking about useing windows 7 but am not sure about it yet.
Hello I love sky, welcome to Se7en Forums!
Give Windows 7 a go, you'll like it. Just don't upgrade your Vista.
Windows 7 Forums - How to dual-boot Windows 7 BETA on a Vista computer
Keep us informed!
Later Ted
Hi all!! ....
I am Beginning,..... I know it's a start. Anyhow I've joined the massive crowds and downloaded and installed the new Windows 7 Beta 1.. :) So naturally we have to join a legit forum for our frustrations and questions right?
Just thought I should make a appearance here as well..
Cheers all!!!