Welcome to Seven Forums

  1. Posts : 9
    win 7

    New to forum

    Hi all thanks for forum and membership

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,404
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    Hi bussdriver, welcome aboard.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,141
    Vista Ult 64 bit Seven Ult RTM x64

    Welcome to 7 Forums Bussdriver. Hope you enjoy your stay.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    Hello bussdriver, welcome to Seven Forums!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 84

    Greetings to you all!

    I'm a little late in introducing myself. Sorry!

    My name is RA, although the forum would not allow me to register using two letters so I had to use R A. RA is my initials of my name.

    Found SevenForums looking for info on Windows 7. Fantastic forum, the best on the Net. You guys really know your stuff and are very helpful. I love the tutorials.

    A little info, I'm addicted to computers and I live on the Net!
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 11,840
    64-bit Windows 8.1 Pro

    Hello and Welcome RA... We're all addicted, so you should fit right in!!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 449
    Windows 7 x 32 bit

    It seems I got things a bit backwards. I came barging in and never stopped in here to say hi :)

    torrentg (bless his patient heart) has been trying to solve my computer woes for a few days now and I've also been posting in the chillout room but now I'm here to say hi and I am really enjoying this forum so far.

    Severely technically handicapped but I'm learning heaps :) hope to stick around even if I have nothing to contribute as far as computers go. I'm sure my husband will love that I have discovered yet another forum to waste my time on.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,651
    W7 RTM Ultimate x64

    NinaJay said:
    It seems I got things a bit backwards. I came barging in and never stopped in here to say hi :)

    torrentg (bless his patient heart) has been trying to solve my computer woes for a few days now and I've also been posting in the chillout room but now I'm here to say hi and I am really enjoying this forum so far.

    Severely technically handicapped but I'm learning heaps :) hope to stick around even if I have nothing to contribute as far as computers go. I'm sure my husband will love that I have discovered yet another forum to waste my time on.
    It's not a waste of time if your learning something!

    And welcome :)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,141
    Vista Ult 64 bit Seven Ult RTM x64

    R A said:
    Greetings to you all!

    I'm a little late in introducing myself. Sorry!

    My name is RA, although the forum would not allow me to register using two letters so I had to use R A. RA is my initials of my name.

    Found SevenForums looking for info on Windows 7. Fantastic forum, the best on the Net. You guys really know your stuff and are very helpful. I love the tutorials.

    A little info, I'm addicted to computers and I live on the Net!
    Welcome RA. Join the crowd.

    NinaJay said:
    It seems I got things a bit backwards. I came barging in and never stopped in here to say hi :)

    torrentg (bless his patient heart) has been trying to solve my computer woes for a few days now and I've also been posting in the chillout room but now I'm here to say hi and I am really enjoying this forum so far.

    Severely technically handicapped but I'm learning heaps :) hope to stick around even if I have nothing to contribute as far as computers go. I'm sure my husband will love that I have discovered yet another forum to waste my time on.
    Welcome Nina. Learn all you can and help when you can. That's what makes this place great.

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 5
    w7 x64 rc

    Hi guys.
    I have sworn not to register anywhere else asi I have been active in 2 or 3 forums plus that damn facebook already which seemed to consume all of that part of my leisure time reserved for web-lurking. But windows 7...I love it, test it and have a lot of questions so here I am :)

    Hello from Prague, Czech Republic
      My Computer


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