New to forum
Hi all thanks for forum and membership
Hi all thanks for forum and membership
Greetings to you all!
I'm a little late in introducing myself. Sorry!
My name is RA, although the forum would not allow me to register using two letters so I had to use R A. RA is my initials of my name.
Found SevenForums looking for info on Windows 7. Fantastic forum, the best on the Net. You guys really know your stuff and are very helpful. I love the tutorials.
A little info, I'm addicted to computers and I live on the Net!
It seems I got things a bit backwards. I came barging in and never stopped in here to say hi :)
torrentg (bless his patient heart) has been trying to solve my computer woes for a few days now and I've also been posting in the chillout room but now I'm here to say hi and I am really enjoying this forum so far.
Severely technically handicapped but I'm learning heaps :) hope to stick around even if I have nothing to contribute as far as computers go. I'm sure my husband will love that I have discovered yet another forum to waste my time on.
Hi guys.
I have sworn not to register anywhere else asi I have been active in 2 or 3 forums plus that damn facebook already which seemed to consume all of that part of my leisure time reserved for web-lurking. But windows 7...I love it, test it and have a lot of questions so here I am :)
Hello from Prague, Czech Republic