Hi....I'm new here. Found this through the Vista forum and thought I'd say hi.
Hi....I'm new here. Found this through the Vista forum and thought I'd say hi.
On behalf of all the members, here, at Seven Forums, I would like to welcome everyone. If your first vist is due to a problem that you are experiencing with Windows 7, we hope that we can help resolve the difficulty. It is our further hope that after your problem is corrected, you stay a while and try to help others. The feeling that you will receive by being helped, will only be surpassed by the feeling you get when you can help others.
Thanks for the welcome.![]()
Last edited by topCturV; 06 Jan 2010 at 19:12. Reason: sig problems
This would be my First post.
I would Like to Share my Knowledge of what I have learned and still learning in Microsoft.
So I will hang out in the General Discussion and see what I can help with.. PM me if you have any Question regarding Windows 7,WinVis,WinXP