Pretty much true, I have also posted (earlier) that the "debugging" test's that I run (quite often), that the bugs are always related to the drivers for the hardware (mainly for the nVidia) and the research I did on the nVidia drivers were linked to Vista base line, not the mod's and upgrade design that Microsoft has developed.
Lately nVidia is finally working on the correct design for the drivers that are focused on Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit platforms).
Recently, I started noticing the same EXACT symptoms A320 was experiencing. I'd been using a 5870 the whole time, but this problem seemingly just appeared out of the blue. I followed suggestions I found all over the Internet, but nothing seemed to make any difference.
Finally, I decided to disconnect and reconnect everything in my computer. It was then that I found out that one of my 6-pin PCI-e connectors had a bunch of wire hanging out from the actual 6-pin plug. I replaced the cable and off to the races I went! I haven't had a single problem since.
So before you go replacing your vid cards, check all the connections to the card, especially making sure the power connections are secure. I realize this might not be the case for everyone here having similar problems, but I hope this sheds some light on the situation.
I´ve been having issues with HAL errors in log after resuming from sleep (memory error across..... ) and often monitor would not wake up when returning from sleep, forcing me to hardboot PC.
Fell over a post about turning "Allow Hybrid sleep" Off, and have had none of the above problems since I turned the "Allow hybrid sleep" option off(can be found in "Sleep" section in "advanced power" settings)
If the "Allow hybrid sleep" option is missing, it´s likely because "hibernate" has been turned of, but turning it back on should bring it back.
(Hibernate only needs to be turned back on while changing "allow hybrid sleep" setting -if its missing-, afterwards it can be turned off again.)
Alas my windows7 x64 & slept peacefully & woke up with mouse, mother board sucessfully, almost 15 months my computer hasnt slept well now it can have rest.
All I did was upgraded to latest nvidia driver & it seems to have solved that, I had a long thread posted about this issue on nvidia forum too but cant find it now.
Those who are using nvida based (chipset) graphic card update to latest driver (197.45) & see if your problem is solved or not.
I'm not surprised. If you followed this thread you'd read that my Nvidia based card was the problem for me as well. Not until I switched to an ATI card did my problem go away.