Windows Media Player will not update media library

  1. Posts : 11
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Windows Media Player will not update media library

    I am a music downloader.
    It used to be that WMP12 would update the mp3 music folders to where the folder contents would read as follows:

    01 'Track Name'
    02 'Track Name'
    03 'Track Name'

    and so on...

    This is no longer the case. WMP will not update my media library files, although it says it does. I have cleared the cache, cleared all .wmdb files, and have completely removed all 9000 plus songs and have them reloaded. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled WMP12 to no avail.

    I can manually correct the files myself, but I shouldn't have to.
    What setting am I missing that needs to be set so my media library will automatically update?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 13,576
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Do you have retrieve additional information from the internet checked in options ?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 370
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    I think you can 'force' an update - in WMP, go to Tools > Apply media information changes (see attached)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Windows Media Player will not update media library-untitled.png  
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 11
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    "Do you have retrieve additional information from the internet checked in options ?"

    Yes. What I have checked under that is 'Only add missing information'. Should I have 'Overwrite all media information' checked? Or neither?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 11
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    I am currently trying to do the 'Apply media information changes'. It is not doing it now because I am had the entire library repopulated. Once all the music/albums repopulated, in the lower right hand corner, I get the message for each album: 'Retriving media info for: Away From The Sun' (and the other album names).
    Isn't that the same thing as 'apply media information changes'? If so, then this suggestion does not work. I can't tell you how many times I've repopulated my library in WMP .
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    agreed. I know I'm coming in **WAY** late to this party, but definitely. I do ***NOT*** want Windows media player to manage anything other than my music. I do **NOT** want WMP to try and sync my USB devices every time I connect them (or open WMP when they're connected!) I want it to play my music and that's all

    Is there no solution to this problem **YET**
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4,053
    W7 Ultimate SP1, LM19.2 MATE, W10 Home 1703, W10 Pro 1703 VM, #All 64 bit


    TrilliumLady said:
    agreed. I know I'm coming in **WAY** late to this party, but definitely. I do ***NOT*** want Windows media player to manage anything other than my music. I do **NOT** want WMP to try and sync my USB devices every time I connect them (or open WMP when they're connected!) I want it to play my music and that's all

    Is there no solution to this problem **YET**
    Have you tried changing the "AutoPlay" settings?

    I'm not sure if this works (I don't have any devices that I connect to my PC).

    Type "Autoplay" into the Start Menu search box (no quotes).
    There is a "Devices" section at the bottom of the screen (it may require a device to be connected for the list to populate).
    Last edited by lehnerus2000; 01 Mar 2014 at 22:44. Reason: Quote Added
      My Computer


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