How do you delete a file Windows can't find?

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium (64)

    How do you delete a file Windows can't find?

    Hey there. I'm trying to clean my computer up a little, but for some reason, there's a file that it "could not find", even though it's showing it right on the desktop! What happened?
    The screen clipping is attached.

    If you're wondering, that's a Google Chrome extension installer. Garbage.

    Thanks in advance!

    P.S. I can move the file around on the desktop, but nothing else. It is confined to the desktop.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails How do you delete a file Windows can't find?-capture.png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 719
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit (O.E.M)

    This may sound incredibly stupid and obvious, but have you tried rebooting. I've had this happen before and a reboot solved this.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 53,395
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Welcome to Seven Forums SonicSuitMario.

    OK, try this:

    Open an advanced command prompt

    Start> In search box type cmd> Right click cmd.exe in results above and click on Run as administrator> In command prompt type:

    cd %userprofile%\desktop



    dir /a /x /p


    This will list the contents of the desktop folder, including the 8.3 filename of the crx file. Find the 8.3 name to the left of the normal hidcjhphimkfnacedjcnajpmlaegnddp_59383.crx filename

    If the file was named zipfldr.dll for instance, the 8.3 filename would be something like

    ZIPFLDR-~1.dll This is the 8.3 filename

    Once you have the 8.3 filename for the hidcjhphimkfnacedjcnajpmlaegnddp_59383.crx , type

    del <8.3 filename>


    (So it will look like this in my example del ZIFPLDR-~1.dll)

    It will ask you to confirm Y/N

    Type y

    The file should now be gone

    A Guy
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 21
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    You could also refresh the desktop and see if the file is still there. I've had this happen before.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 68
    windows7 home premium

    can unlocker and eraser serve the purpose?? these are the two small freewares
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 21
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    I tried Eraser myself once. It didn't work, funny enough.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 53,395
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Generally the file can't be found is an error caused by the long file name. Windows, and most 3rd party tools can't delete it, but can often see it. Certainly Unlocker or Lock Hunter are worth a try

    A Guy
      My Computer


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