User Logon Icons Doubled Up
Hi there
I have a problem which has troubled me for a week now.
I work in an organization, and have got a laptop in because the time it took to logon, due to HP protect tools trying to run a biometric can everytime you logged on. However after alot of effort and time i managed to correct the problem.
BUT since it has been fixed the user logon icons now appear twice on the logon screen
Now for the confusing part: as you can see in the picture there are 2 rows of icons. If you try logging in using a icon from the top row the hp protect tools runs the biometric scan...... but if you log in using one of the bottom row it doesnt and logs in perfectly fine.
All i would like to do is remove the top row of icons, so it is less confusing for the laptops user.
Thanks in advance
Toby :)
Last edited by Apprentrice5; 24 Aug 2012 at 05:05.