hidden files than can not returns it back

  1. Posts : 161
    windows 7 ultimate x64

    hidden files than can not returns it back

    my questions are 2:
    1-sometimes i saw a file that is hidden and can not uncheck the hidden of its(see the picture below)

    how can we do this with a file?
    2- how can we returns this file back to unhidden?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 10,485
    W7 Pro SP1 64bit

    When the option to hide/unhide a file is greyed out, that is usually means that the file has the S (system) attribute set.

    If the file is truly a system file, then you should not remove the S attribute.

    ATTRIB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 161
    windows 7 ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    UsernameIssues said:
    When the option to hide/unhide a file is greyed out, that is usually means that the file has the S (system) attribute set.

    If the file is truly a system file, then you should not remove the S attribute.

    ATTRIB - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    the file is on a CD.does the CMD work for that?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 10,485
    W7 Pro SP1 64bit

    Probably not.
    You can copy the file to your local hard drive, change the attribute(s) and burn a new CD.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 161
    windows 7 ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    thank you very much
      My Computer


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