Computer frozen after memory check

  1. Posts : 47

    Computer frozen after memory check

    Hey guys. So this is the problem: I recently upgraded my computer ( which is working fine ) and some of my old computer parts would now belong to my brother. When assembling my brothers computer I didn't remove the cpu or RAM once. The only things that were switched from my computer to his were graphics card, PSU, HDD and CD-DVD Driver.
    Now when starting my brothers computer, it will recognize the cpu and the amount of ram, but after that it stops. It still is answering because if I press DEL or f11, I will acess either bios or boot menu. After that it tells me that the HDD hasn't been recognized. Another weird thing is that it only shows the bios startup screen if the CD-DVD reader is connected, otherwise the computer will start but it will remain full black screen. I need some serious advising on this one, thanks! If you need any more details,just say
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 47
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      My Computer


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