Clicking Desktop shortcuts only open folder properties...
So I woke up this morning and tried to get on the internet but all Firefox did was show folder properties. So I checked all the other shortcuts and the same thing. I tried to get into the control panel from the desktop and it puts out an error that the properties for this folder is not available. Also I ran Avast to see if I had some type of virus and when I opened that under every option to click it also had a letter, pressing the said key would be just like clicking on the balloon option. I tried to look this up but I only found this problem for XP and 95/98 OS, which was usually a keyboard issue. I have a KVM with two other computers connected to it and use the same keyboard (this is how I am posting this) so I can't see how I would have a keyboard issue when it works fine with two other computers. Any help would be appreciated.
-edit- I forgot to add that clicking my computer icon from desktop opens the control panel \ system and security \ system.