Laptop won't wake from Sleep/Hibernation, PLZ HELP!

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 64bit

    Laptop won't wake from Sleep/Hibernation, PLZ HELP!

    Recently my Dell Inspiron N5110 intel 2.4GHZ, 4Gb Ram, Windows 7 64bit Laptop Refuses to wake from sleep or hibernate. Bios driver?? Worked fine 2 days ago and I dont have an applicable restore point... Also Video and Audio playback get choppy in any player after using not even 2 out of 4gb of RAM. Temporarily I've disabled sleep mode but when not plugged in can be a bit of a battery drainer. Any suggestions would be very helpful and aprreciated. I'm far from a computer tech... THX
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 64bit
    Thread Starter

    It seems to be a monitor issue. Also when I shut down the computer stays on but the monitor shuts off??? I'm thoroughly stumped. Plz help...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 10,485
    W7 Pro SP1 64bit

    Reinstall the video drivers - they handle some parts of sleep/hibernate as well.
    Drivers and Downloads | Dell [United States]
      My Computer


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