USB drive letter will not go away.

  1. Posts : 2
    Win 7 64 bit

    USB drive letter will not go away.

    Hi all!
    I used to have an external harddrive attached to my computer with the letter (Q) as I set myself.
    Now, the harddrive is gone but the drive will not "go away". It is stuck there and I can see it in My Computer alongside the other hard drives. It has, however no size and when clicking on it, I get the message that it is not available.
    I have used regedit to solve this but when I restart it is there again. I think I will need some help with this. This is not my native language but I hope you understand.
    PS. My internal disk is an SSD.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,061
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit

    Hi Kejellemann, Welcome aboard.

    Are you sure you had an external drive and you set the drive letter Q to it?

    The Q drive is usually associated with Microsoft Office 2010 Click-to-Run suite. Are you sure that you do not have this?

    What is the Q drive? - Microsoft Answers

    If you had uninstalled the relevant program, here is how to to remove the persistent Q drive.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Win 7 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, Jumanji. The second link was very helpful and now the Lokal drive (Q) is gone :)
      My Computer


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