Unable to Install Windows

  1. Posts : 2
    windows xp

    Unable to Install Windows


    I have a lenovo G530 laptop with 300Gig HDD and 3 GB RAM.

    I had windows xp on it, however due to a virus, it crashed. For time being I started using Ubuntu O.S. The grub shows windows xp and the Ubuntu. When I click on Windows, it tries to load and then blue screen.

    Now, I want to reinstall a windows xp on this machine, using my another laptop (dell) installation cd.

    The setup starts and after it loads some drivers and tries to start windows setup, I get a blue screen saying that I either have virus or I need to format the HDD.

    PS: My HDD is clean as Ubuntu doesn't complain about it. Can you please help?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 211
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    It might be the problem ! ( I might be wrong . .. W8 for some expert to read the thread )
    U cannot install windows xp on windows 7 or vista as they are the new versions of windows so just like that may you cannot install xp on ubuntu as well. . . .
    the ubuntu OS might be restricting the installation.
    I think u will have to install xp first and than ubuntu to keep them both . . .
    ( I might be wrong . .. W8 for some expert to read the thread )

    GOOD luck
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 13,576
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    You need to wipe the drive clean. Try making and using the Partition Wizard Bootable cd.

    Partition Wizard Bootable CD allows user to manage partition directly with partition manager bootable CD.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    windows xp
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the reply guys. That was real quick
      My Computer


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