Windows 7 ACPI doesn't detect battery but battery is working

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Windows 7 ACPI doesn't detect battery but battery is working

    Hello there!

    I have an ASUS K50IE laptop that i had for 2 years now. been working fine until 2 days ago.

    this problem has been bugging me for the last 2 days. here's why.

    my laptop suddenly didn't detect my battery. thought it was because my battery was dead. I searched the net on things to do before "throwing in the towel" on my battery and today i came across a blog where the instruction was to uninstall the Microsoft ACPI compliant control method battery driver. I did just that and my battery suddenly worked! well sort of. now here's where it gets all weird.

    every time i open my laptop i do the following:

    1. plug in AC to laptop.
    2. turn on laptop.
    3. unplug AC.
    3. laptop runs on battery.
    4. log on to windows.
    5. battery icon shows up as an empty charging icon then shows the "Battery is not detected" icon again.

    please take note that my laptop is still ON and WORKING. so this means (MAYBE?) that my battery is working.

    is it a battery problem? or the driver is just messed up?

    please anyone who encountered this and had SUCCESSFULLY fixed the problem. coz i need to fix this right now.

    thanks and more power to you all!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 614
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    I had a problem similar a while back. Try this
    1.Shut down the laptop
    2.Take out the ac cord and the battery. Hold down the power for about 10 seconds to remove electric charge in the capacitors.
    3.Put the battery back in and reboot.
    4.Start windows normally, and See if the battery is recognized.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Skylais said:
    I had a problem similar a while back. Try this
    1.Shut down the laptop
    2.Take out the ac cord and the battery. Hold down the power for about 10 seconds to remove electric charge in the capacitors.
    3.Put the battery back in and reboot.
    4.Start windows normally, and See if the battery is recognized.
    ok gonna do that. will post if problem is solved.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 614
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    Ok sounds good if this does not work, then we will reset the bios to defaults. Just for future steps i will lay out instructions on how to do so, so if the 1st solution does not work try this one.
    Reboot and repeatedly press f10 on startup, go through the bios until you find the option to restore defualts, or setup defualts, something along those lines. See if the battery is recognized.
      My Computer


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