Did they add a new HDD or replace the old HDD?
Did they add a new HDD or replace the old HDD?
My boot options are 1.internal hard drive, 2. internal optical drive, 3.external drive,
Which one of these should I set boot to?
I have replaced my original HDD supplied with a larger capacity HDD and this is where my problems began.
When I set my boot option to internal optical drive and I start computer from my old hdd it gives me option to boot from CD or DVD but when I install my new hdd it goes straight to windows repair or something and this is where it starts asking me for things such as Image point.....
You have to have the dvd in your dvd drive when you boot the pc. One of your function keys should pull up your boot options. Or go into the bios and set the dvd drive as first in the boot order and your hard drive 2nd. Remember to save the settings.
Did you make a windows 7 dvd from the instructions in Gregs tutorial ?
Or go into the bios and set the dvd drive as first in the boot order and your hard drive 2nd.
Did you make a windows 7 dvd from the instructions in Gregs tutorial ?[/QUOTE]
Is the dvd drive also the internal optical drive?
I made a windows 7 on a memory stick. Maybe it needs to be on a dvd?
I am an amateur when it comes to computers. Thanks everyone for your patience.
Make your boot order 1) Internal Optical Drive 2) Internal Hard Drive. The others don't matter. Look at my post #10. You need to use the link to Digital River to burn a copy of the version of Windows 7 that you presently have onto a DVD. It will be easier that a memory stick. Then use the Clean Install tutorial in that same message to install it. Set your boot order and make the DVD and install. This will get you on the right track.
If you downloaded the Win7 ISO to flash stick then it will not boot. You must write it to the stick using the tool in Step 2 of Clean Reinstall - Factory OEM Windows 7 which has been pointed out to you four times yet which you apparently ignored. So let's get started, okay?
We have a 100% install rate for those who cooperate, asking back any questions needed to complete the steps from the top. If you have problems we will help you, but we need you to be fully interactive.
I have done it.
Thanks everyone.
Where I got hung up was it said I had an option of downloading windows to a disc or a memery stick. I choose the latter and it was here that I got stuck.
It worked fine once I put it on a disc.