Does W7 Retail Come With SP1?

  1. Posts : 350
    Windows 7 Pro x64

    Does W7 Retail Come With SP1?

    Doesn't the retail full version of W7 come with SP1? I was looking around online and it doesn't appear to.
    OEM versions list SP1, but the regular version doesn't specify?
    What's with that?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12,012
    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit

    I think I recall trying to check that out 6 months ago and found it odd also.

    I came to the conclusion that SP 1 is included, even though the ads don't say so---unless of course your source is somebody who has some very old stock of discs. SP 1 has been out well over a year.

    I'm not sure whether the discs themselves say SP 1.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 350
    Windows 7 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    I emailed the online Microsoft Store Support.....They answered back and said as soon as SP1 came out, they began producing the software to include SP1.
    They went on to say it was possible some 3rd party stores could conceivably still have some older stock on hand, but they stated that ALL COPIES ordered from the Microsoft Store do indeed include SP1 since SP1 came out.

    I didn't ask why they don't mark the boxes accordingly.
    You'd think MS would've figured that out for themselves, but then we're talking about the same people who wish to shove W8 and it's metromess down our throats.
      My Computer


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