I need to rename user folder to agree with user name
I have 5 computers which are serially named. I recently decided to do the same with my primary user names on each computer. So, I went through and did some renaming. I found I had problem when I could not log on using remote desktop because my credentials were not accepted due to user name conflict. I eventually got this sorted out on most of the computers by changing names back, but now I have one left where the user account name I want to use is different than the folder name that is associated with that user. I would like to get everything back in sync. I've read a number of discussions about how to do this, but I'm not sure of the best approach. I have several options:
1. Change the user name to agree with the folder name.
2. Change the folder name to agree with the user name.
3. Create a new user name and copy the files from the existing user folder to the new user folder.
4. Reinstall Windows taking care to get the names the way I want.
My impression is that 2 is problematic. If so, which of the others might be the best choice? I also be interested in hearing why this long standing problem has not been fixed, if anyone knows.