Computer Type: PC/Desktop System Manufacturer/Model Number: Custom Build OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 32-Bit - Build 7600 SP1 CPU: Intel Core i3-2120 3.30Ghz Motherboard: Asus P8Z68-V LX Intel Z68 Socket H2 ATX Memory: Kingston 4 GB DDR3 1333 mhz Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD6670 Sound Card: Sound Blaster Audigy SE 24-Bit Monitor(s) Displays: Asus VE228 Screen Resolution: 1440 X 900 Keyboard: Microsoft Natural 4000 Mouse: Microsoft Custom Optical 3000 PSU: Corsair CX600M == 600 Watt Case: NZXT Apollo - Silver with Clear Side Panel Cooling: Three 120 mm Fans Hard Drives: OCZ Vertex 3 120 GB Sata 3 SSD ==
Kingston SH103/S3 120 G Hyper X 120 GB SSD ==
Western Digital 500 GB Caviar Green 7200 RPM == Internet Speed: AT&T Fiber Optic Wireless Network Browser: Chrome Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials Other Info: 120 mm Blue LED Fan -- Three Blue LED Lazer Light Sticks
Hi guys
I installed a new ssd drive and cloned my c drive onto it. It also cloned my system reserved partion .
I then, at a later date, cloned my c drive again back to my old primary drive so that i have an up to date copy of my primary drive. But it also cloned my system reserved partion....
:confused: I hope someone could help me please and thank you if you can;)
I need some advice I have a 600mb hard drive and stupidly I partioned this drive left 300 mbs on my c drive the opereating system, and then i alocatted 300mb for back up of files.
Now I have ran out of room on my C...
I recently purchased a new motherboard. After reinstalling windows, I noticed that my primary partition is also on my Storage Drive. Is there a way to change it back to only the SSD?
Hello guys ;)
I recently reinstalled Windows 7, but not on my C: drive, but on my P: Drive. I now wanna change the drive letter of my 7 install.
But i cant do it via Disk Management as i get the error "The parameter is incorrect" :(
Any other way to change it? :geek:
Hi All,
I want to get rid of the XP partition D: on my HDD and expand my Windows 7 partition C:. The only guides I can find to resize partitions is when XP is on C and 7 is on D.
Can I use the same steps as described on TechRepublic to resize the partition or can I use the manager built into...