Restore Default Window position.

  1. Posts : 983
    7 x64

    Restore Default Window position.

    I've searched here and on Google for an answer to this.
    In most programs, specifically Winamp at the moment, when I select an option that opens a Sub-Window it is placed low on the screen hiding the OK and Cancel buttons so to select either you first have to Move the Window up. IIRC this also has been happening in Win Explorer and other programs.

    Is there a key or key combo you hold down while opening one of these Sub-Windows to put it back in the center of the screen.

      My Computer

  2.    #2

    The method that works best for me is to drag the window to the size and position you want, then click the middle Resize button a few times to program it with the position and size.

    For example if I have a window I always want to open to full size, I click the Resize button to the smaller (one box shown) position, then drag it to full size, then click the middle button a few times to program that position.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 983
    7 x64
    Thread Starter

    Thanks Greg but these are no program Windows. They are Sub Windows that do not have any other buttons at the top then the X.

    Restore Default Window position.-window-low.png

    As you can see by my SS. I'd like to re-position it to a/the default location. The bottom of the image I posted is the bottom of my physical screen.

    I don't remember when this started but it has been a while.

    OK I think I figured it out. I just moved the Window up then grabbed the bottom and resized it to a smaller size then closed and then opened the the bottom buttons are now on screen.
    I guess at one time I move one of these Sub Windows up on the screen, Dragged the bottom down to make it bigger and from then on all such sub windows have opened at the Enlarged size in the normal default location making the bottom of the window in off the screen.
      My Computer

  4.    #4

    Edwar, are you sure you want to run Win7 with that ugly government-file-cabinet style Win2000 Classic theme ?

    If not, rightclick empty desktop to Personalize and choose an Aero theme to experience the elegant graphics you paid for.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 983
    7 x64
    Thread Starter

    Yup positive, I like it like that (Old School). Could care less about how it looks, just want it to work and not get in my way.
      My Computer


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